Open positions
This section displays real time data on the trader’s open positions.

This data includes:
- System – The name of the system.
- Ticket - The position's ticket number
- Buy/Sell - The trade type
- Amount - The position amount
- Open - The rate the position was opened at
- Stop - The loss limit level
- Limit - The profit limit level
- Current - The rate the position can be closed at
- Swap - The rollover
- P/L - The profit/loss displayed in pips
- Gross P/L - The profit/loss in the currency of the account
- Open Time - The time when the position was opened
At the bottom of the table you can see the total amount, swap, P/L and gross P/L of all the open positions of the strategy provider.
Closed Positions
This section displays real time data on the trader’s closed positions.

This data includes:
- Ticket – The position's ticket number
- Symbol - The name of the symbol
- Buy/Sell – The trade type
- Amount – The position amount
- Open - The rate the position was opened at
- Open Time - The time when the position was opened
- Close – The rate the position was closed at
- Close Time – The time when the position was closed
- Swap - The rollover
- P/L - The profit/loss displayed in pips
- Gross P/L - The profit/loss in the currency of the account
- Risk Adjustment -The ratio of the net pips profit versus the Maximum Drawdown (Max DD) pips. A value greater than 1 means that the system has generated pips profits in excess of the largest drawdown loss.
- Win % - Is the percentage of wining trades out of the total amount of opened trades.
- Leverage - Ratio between account’s balance and maximum exposure on market by portfolio. Indicator of risk of portfolio, the higher the value the more risky the portfolio may be.
At the bottom of the table you can see the total amount, swap, P/L and gross P/L of all the closed positions of the strategy provider.
Open positions summary
This section displays real time summary data on the trader’s open positions.

This data includes:
- Symbol - The name of the symbol
- P/L Sell - The current profit/loss of sell trades
- S Amt - The sale trade amount
- Avg Sell - The average value of the sale rates
- Current Buy - The market buy rate
- Current Sell - The market sale rate
- Avg Buy - The average value of buy rates
- B Amt - The buy trade amount
- P/L Buy - The current profit/loss of buy trades
- Amt - The total amount of all the open positions per symbol
- Gross P/L - The Gross P/L with commissions and interests
- Net P/L - The net profit of all closed and current open positions with interests and commissions
At the bottom of the table you can see the total P/L of sell positions, the total P/L of buy positions, the Gross P/L and the Net P/L of all the open positions of the strategy provider.